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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Resolute in 09? Check the mirror.

Here we are, at the threshold of a new year (2009), the threshold of a new decade (2010), the threshold of a new aga in The United States, with the soon to be innaugurated first person of African decent to assume The Office of the Presidency of The United States, and each of us face the same question, every year..."What is your resolution?"

Is there a "resolution" that individually we can make that when followed will change our lives collectively?

A popular resolution is to commit to losing weight, to becoming more healthy, to take our best shot at living a longer life. I've thought a lot about living a longer life. I mean, what an amazing gift we have each been given...a life. And, we have each been given the joy of sharing our life with others, and have them share their lives with us...Is this not amazing?

What about instead of a longer life, we focus on a "BETTER" life?

Think for a moment about the impact you have, and have had on so many people as you have moved through your life journey. The relationships that have been created and developed...from just a few moments...through many decades.

People have asked..."What are your resolutions for the New Year?" This question, from my daughter, gave me pause. I thought, 'my answer to her can not be frivolous, it can not be trite. She is at an age when she will absorb everything I say, and perhaps, the words I say to her can be a marker for the many decisions that will eventually become her life.' Perhaps...I thought, I'm just thinking through this way too much, and that my response will not be taken as I imagined.

Either way, I have been driven to thought, and driven to a yellow pad (where I go to think), and eventually a blog. But, I digress...

So, back to the threshold. As I virtually stand here and imagine looking down the road that will be called 2009, I am suddenly brought back to the here-and-now. Creating a resolution that begins tomorrow seems to make little sense. Quitting something, or starting anything tomorrow is not being resolute. This would not be honesty with myself. At this point, one is not resolute...instead, you are thinking about being resolute. This does not count.

I thought that if I am to be completely honest with myself, I must begin NOW.

Last year, I read a book by the title of "The Last Lecture", authored, starring and presented by the late Professor Randy Pausch. I am a bit saddened about his passing, but in doing so, the truth of his amazing words become reality for all who read them.

From this book, from the passion with which it was written, I have come to the conclusion (of which I have been aware most of my life), so...I guess I should say that I have come to the realization that tomorrow does not exist. Our lives are filled with billions and billions of "now's". And, if we are paying attention, "now" has just passed - so, anything you were going to do then, is now gone. It will not return. It is too late.

So, upon this realization I must say to my daughter, "I resolve to continue to become a better person, a better human, a better father, a better daddy, a better parent, a better friend, a better associate, a better leader, a better listener, a better doer, a better man.

Every day, as I awaken, I will continue to go to the mirror and look myself in the eyes...because I learned many years ago that one can not lie to one's self. It is impossible to do so. You know when you lie. Try it.

As I stand before myself, I will ask: "Did you do everything you could to become a better ________________ yesterday? Did you use every second, every minute to the best of your ability? Did you deceive yourself into believing you were working to the best of your abilities...or, did you do so?"

The truth will be known before the questions are asked, and will be immediately realized before the sentence is you look into your eyes.

From my responses, I will know what actions to take...TODAY...NOW. And, I will do this every day of my life, working to become...working to achieve all the goals I have set forth...working to live up to my own expectations - and, ONLY my expectations...for the goals I set for myself are much higher than any that are set by others, regardless of their belief. And, this will not begin tomorrow. It has already begun. All we have is now, so the best time to begin anything, is now.

I believe that if you go to your mirror daily, and confront yourself, as you look into your own eyes, you can make dramatic steps to achieve your best life goals. I believe this, because I have learned this for myself. You can live your resolutions, now. You can be who you want to be, Tomorrow may never come.

A longer life? Perhaps. A better life? Perhaps. You won't know until you do it.

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