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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Your Competition is Cutting Back? Go After Them NOW

"THEY" say we're facing difficult economic times. GM stock is at an all time low Why? Perhaps poor management and leadership? The tragedy is that companies who are poorly managed are taking those who are not, along with them.

"THEY" say these "difficult economic times" are changing the face of how we 'do' business...B/S. Not so! If you are on top of your market, paying attention to to your competition, your customers, and are making the minor marketing adjustments needed to stay on top, you'll gain market-share, you'll move closer to the top of your industry.


Your clients...the very clients who wanted to purchase your products or services yesterday, want to purchase your products and services today. The prospects that wanted to schedule a meeting with you yesterday, want to schedule a meeting with you today.

30 years ago, I came up with a theory I called - "The Caveman Theory". It's relatively simple. During "tight economic times" businesses in every vertical will cut their marketing, advertising and sales budgets. They go back into their caves to wait "it" out. They have made a conscious decision to STOP GOING AFTER BUSINESS. ?????

As they sit back there, and look out the front of the cave, they can see their market-share going to the businesses that have elected to work at the other end of the theory,the one that I call... "The Marathon Theory".

The Marathon Theory is also simple...but to some, (We never did it that way before), it seems too difficult to grasp.

Do Not Back Down!
Do not drop your marketing budget. Go after the clients that are out there looking for whatever it is you sell. If your competitors are backing down, you get to move up.

NOTE: Please do not confuse "marketing" with "sales", or "marketing" with "advertising".

Marketing, from our perspective,is everything you do. That's it! From the "OPEN" sign, your logo, shirt, handshakes, to internal training, competitive intelligence, and strategy meetings...everything is marketing, except for sales. That is another process. Sales is what happens when your marketing works. Marketing is not an expense. Marketing is an investment. One of the most important investments you can make. Investment-spending in your long-term ROI is essential to the long-term success of your company.

Let's talk this through. If you haven't reviewed your marketing strategies in the last 6 months, we need to talk. If you haven't adjusted your marketing to capture the new markets, and increase the revenue from existing accounts, we need to talk.

I believe we can positively impact your long-term ROI, with just a few simple adjustments to your marketing strategies. A few creative changes; some competitive intelligence; a few strategy movements..that's it.

Our philosophy is simple too: WE LISTEN.

I am Randall Montalbano, Senior Advisor with White Mountain Marketing Associates. We know that our success is based 100% on the success of our clients. I have learned a lot during my 36 years of assisting companies to make a few simple adjustments. I'd like to apply that knowledge to your company

Let's talk..
Randall Montalbano
Senior Advisor
White Mountain Marketing Associates
908 Town and Country Blvd - Suite 545
Houston, Texas 77024

Resolute in 09? Check the mirror.

Here we are, at the threshold of a new year (2009), the threshold of a new decade (2010), the threshold of a new aga in The United States, with the soon to be innaugurated first person of African decent to assume The Office of the Presidency of The United States, and each of us face the same question, every year..."What is your resolution?"

Is there a "resolution" that individually we can make that when followed will change our lives collectively?

A popular resolution is to commit to losing weight, to becoming more healthy, to take our best shot at living a longer life. I've thought a lot about living a longer life. I mean, what an amazing gift we have each been given...a life. And, we have each been given the joy of sharing our life with others, and have them share their lives with us...Is this not amazing?

What about instead of a longer life, we focus on a "BETTER" life?

Think for a moment about the impact you have, and have had on so many people as you have moved through your life journey. The relationships that have been created and developed...from just a few moments...through many decades.

People have asked..."What are your resolutions for the New Year?" This question, from my daughter, gave me pause. I thought, 'my answer to her can not be frivolous, it can not be trite. She is at an age when she will absorb everything I say, and perhaps, the words I say to her can be a marker for the many decisions that will eventually become her life.' Perhaps...I thought, I'm just thinking through this way too much, and that my response will not be taken as I imagined.

Either way, I have been driven to thought, and driven to a yellow pad (where I go to think), and eventually a blog. But, I digress...

So, back to the threshold. As I virtually stand here and imagine looking down the road that will be called 2009, I am suddenly brought back to the here-and-now. Creating a resolution that begins tomorrow seems to make little sense. Quitting something, or starting anything tomorrow is not being resolute. This would not be honesty with myself. At this point, one is not resolute...instead, you are thinking about being resolute. This does not count.

I thought that if I am to be completely honest with myself, I must begin NOW.

Last year, I read a book by the title of "The Last Lecture", authored, starring and presented by the late Professor Randy Pausch. I am a bit saddened about his passing, but in doing so, the truth of his amazing words become reality for all who read them.

From this book, from the passion with which it was written, I have come to the conclusion (of which I have been aware most of my life), so...I guess I should say that I have come to the realization that tomorrow does not exist. Our lives are filled with billions and billions of "now's". And, if we are paying attention, "now" has just passed - so, anything you were going to do then, is now gone. It will not return. It is too late.

So, upon this realization I must say to my daughter, "I resolve to continue to become a better person, a better human, a better father, a better daddy, a better parent, a better friend, a better associate, a better leader, a better listener, a better doer, a better man.

Every day, as I awaken, I will continue to go to the mirror and look myself in the eyes...because I learned many years ago that one can not lie to one's self. It is impossible to do so. You know when you lie. Try it.

As I stand before myself, I will ask: "Did you do everything you could to become a better ________________ yesterday? Did you use every second, every minute to the best of your ability? Did you deceive yourself into believing you were working to the best of your abilities...or, did you do so?"

The truth will be known before the questions are asked, and will be immediately realized before the sentence is you look into your eyes.

From my responses, I will know what actions to take...TODAY...NOW. And, I will do this every day of my life, working to become...working to achieve all the goals I have set forth...working to live up to my own expectations - and, ONLY my expectations...for the goals I set for myself are much higher than any that are set by others, regardless of their belief. And, this will not begin tomorrow. It has already begun. All we have is now, so the best time to begin anything, is now.

I believe that if you go to your mirror daily, and confront yourself, as you look into your own eyes, you can make dramatic steps to achieve your best life goals. I believe this, because I have learned this for myself. You can live your resolutions, now. You can be who you want to be, Tomorrow may never come.

A longer life? Perhaps. A better life? Perhaps. You won't know until you do it.

Where Did Everyone Go

I was visiting the other day with a prospective client, whom I had known for several years. As we were catching up, and naturally talking about marketing, he asked me, “Where’d everybody go?”

I answered, “What do you mean?”

He then began to share with me that it seemed that responses to his marketing had seemed to be dwindling over the past few months. He went to different list vendors, “updated” his lists, but leads were fading. “Sounds like Autumn” I said, trying to be jovial. Then he got serious. “Randall, I’m worried…what with “The economy” and all, I’m looking at tough times.”

What a great queue that was. I began to explain the economies of scale based upon the differences between his OUTBOUND marketing strategies, and the INBOUND marketing strategies we have been recommending and implementing.

Forrester Research recently made some interesting remarks based upon their surveys, which were echoed on The bottom line is that buyers are online. I asked, “When you begin looking for B2B offerings, where do you go? When you’re looking for bargains on buying a car, where do you go? Do you grab a newspaper or magazine? What do you do?

Naturally, his response was “The web”.

Inbound marketing just makes more sense. Companies, who purchased lists and blasted eMail all over the place, have been blocked. Think about it...BLOCKED… That means forever. No wonder responses slide. “No wonder creating the sale and the brand isn’t working”. And, forget about printing and mailing 25,000. What happens then? Do you sit around and wait for the phone? What is the purpose? Do the salespeople follow-up, and try to set appointments? What is the return on that? What is the expense of that?

“We have a website, Randall. Why don’t people go there anymore?” I believe the reason to be that if you own a business, and are not creating reasons for people to go to your website, they won’t go. It’s that simple. Depending upon type of B2B, the website is more than likely, a brochure. Social Content Marketing and Blogging reach those who are interested in the information you have. “Content is King” still reigns supreme.

We talked for hours, but the bottom line was this.

Buyers want a reason to visit your website. By sharing information with them…by presenting information to them in the manner in which they want information will drive them to your website. Social communities (CPA’s, CFO’s, knitters, basket weavers and companies wishing to move business to another country), have either formed communities or are associated with communities of like interest. Whatever your business…you need to restructure your marketing programs. If you’re not LinkedIn, Twitter’d, Flikr’d, Fast Pitched, you are close to invisible to your new market. Get there…you’re late…get busy and create your new marketing strategies. Or, contact us: